Whether your roof is a new construction or an existing building the people responsible for design, construction and maintenance will be fully aware of the criteria within British Standards 6229: 2018 (Flat Roofs with continuously supported flexible waterproof coverings, Code of Practice) and NHBC Chapter 7.1 of Flat Roofs, Terraces, and Balconies.
In NHBC Chapter 7.1.9 (Green Roofs & Propriety Roofs) it is recommended that before covering a roofing membrane it should be visually inspected and electronically tested for waterproofing integrity, faults rectified and retested before further layers are placed.
Premier Guarantee Structural Warranties go further, ‘Roof Coverings – Green Roofing section 7.11, under section ‘The waterproof membrane should be tested for integrity before the application of any other components above it. Testing should be undertaken by a third-party that is independent of the roofing contract’.
The roof will be surveyed and any roof penetrations will be inspected. This will include a review and evaluation of roof penetrations, roof terminations, roof top equipment mounts, roof membrane condition, perimeter flashing, parapet wall coping, and any other roof conditions that could affect the building’s watertightness.
Vacuum testing of seams of membranes manufactured off-site is an effective means of quality assessment, but is not recommended as a method of demonstrating the integrity of flat roofs.
At GeoShield we realise every project is unique and GeoShield have the experience to deal with all types of roofing and requirements of our customers. Our bespoke service provides testing for all types of flat roofing, providing a full Health and Safety Plan, Risk Assessments and Method Statements, which result in a comprehensive O&M Manual upon completion.
In Accordance With All Major UK Warranty Providers And Meeting Guidance By British Standards, Property Care Association And CIRIA