UKATA (the UK Asbestos Training Association) is a leading association dedicated to improving the quality and standards of asbestos training, with the ultimate goal of protecting workers and the public from the risks associated with asbestos exposure.

Committed to promoting excellence in asbestos training through the development and implementation of high-quality training standards, the provision of best practice guidance, and the promotion of safe and responsible working practices within the asbestos industry.

The association, works closely with its members to ensure that they have access to the latest information, training resources and industry updates, and provides a range of support services to help the achievement of training goals.

Their membership base includes a wide range of organisations involved in asbestos training, including training providers, asbestos removal contractors, consultants, and equipment suppliers.

UKATA, is passionate about promoting safe and responsible working practices, and is committed to working together with its members and partners to achieve the shared goal of protecting workers and the public from the risks associated with asbestos exposure